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- Written by JL Freeman
Scottish Rite Friends and Family Annual Potluck dinner will be held at Washington 1 on Wednesday 27 November. The meal will begin at 6:00pm and is open to Scottish Rite Masons, Family and Friends. I have been told that Mike Winningham will be providing smoked Turkey while Elton Lawson will be bringing ham, bread and possibly desserts. It should also be noted that Clint Chastain will be leading a frontal assault on the policy which has become the citadel of Scottish Rite Masonry identity in Northwest Arkansas: the anti-green bean movement. Bring your favorite green been, other vegetable, side dish or dessert along with your family and friends.
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- Written by JL Freeman
Our August stated meeting will be this Wednesday, August 28th, at Washington Lodge #1. We will have dinner at 6pm and request a modest donation of $10 for the evenings meal. We will then open the Lodge of Perfection at 7pm.
This month we will be studying the 12th degree, Master Architect. Which will be presented by Bro. James Kring, 32° KCCH. This degree harkens back to our Symbolic Lodge rituals and lessons. It discusses familiar symbols, such as the pillars from your Fellowcraft degree and introduces new working tools into our knowledge base. I know that Bro. Kring will have a great discussion for all of us to participate in. Read pages 74-80 in your Bridge to Light to familiarize yourselves with this degree. Addtionally, peruse the sections in Clausen's Commentaries, Morals & Dogma, and/or your Scottish Rite Ritual and Monitor. I look forward to these great discussions.
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- Written by JL Freeman
Brethren, our next two regularly stated meeting would occur on the week of Thanksgiving and the week of Christmas. The Valley of Fayetteville will remain dark until the new year and our stated meetings will resume on 24 January, 2024. However, that does not mean that the Valley will be silent. As it has become somewhat of a tradition, there will be an informal gathering on Wednesday 22 November. This time will be use for fellowship and the opportunity to break bread with your masonic family before the holiday season. As of now, I do not have the menu but I'm assured it will be an excellent meal (green beans withstanding). I hope to see you there but if not, have a very happy holiday season and I will see you at the lodge hall soon!